Great Running Starts with a Great Shoe
Of all the daily services we provide to our customers, by far the most important is helping folks select the proper pair of shoes. How those shoes fit, feel, are priced and, most importantly, how they match each individual’s particular gait mechanics are just a few of the many thoughts and priorities that go into selecting the proper shoe for each individual Ragged Mountain patron.
Each of our employees is trained to help select the perfect shoe for you
We spend about six months intensively training our employees on the science of matching the correct shoe to the right pair of feet and during that “hands on” learning process we teach them about gait mechanics, posture and form and how they influence injuries, how to properly fit a shoe (not an easy task, as many of our shoe companies continue to change the fit of their shoes on a yearly basis) and the science of shoes (what goes into the makeup of a shoe that constitutes it as "minimalist" vs. “cushioned” vs. “stability” vs. “motion control”). A Ragged Mountain apprentice is partnered with a veteran employee throughout this rigorous training period and they don’t “fly solo” until we feel confident that they’re ready to confidently and independently help you, our valued patrons, with your personal shoe fitting needs and injury concerns.