Men’s Four Miler Training Program
WHEN: Saturdays beginning September 16th, 2017 - 7:30 a.m.
LOCATION: UVA Track or The Village Center in Old Trail (Crozet)
WHAT: The Men’s Four Miler Training Program (M4MTP) is a 10 week professionally supervised and coached program designed to help guide men to a healthier lifestyle and a new level of fitness. The short-term goal is the successful completion of the Charlottesville Men’s Four Miler foot race. However, the long-term goal is to encourage men to take up regular exercise as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. There will be short weekly talks on proper running, various health issues facing men, and professionally coached training runs appropriate to all levels of fitness.
WHO MAY PARTICIPATE: Any man may join in, especially those who are very out of shape or have NEVER exercised. Last year 60 males participated ranging in age from 12-68. This year we are asking woman to join us during our training program as well. The novice group starts with 2 laps of a walk/run on the track and eventually works up to four miles of running! By the time the program is completed the participant's paces range from 20 minutes/mile to 8 minutes (or less)/mile.
COACH: Steven & Susan Nelson will be heading the training program this year. Both are very seasoned "Captains" who will oversee all aspects of the training. Dr. Ryan Smith & Dr. Sean Corbett will be heading the training program in Crozet.
For additional questions or concerns please contact Andrew Christie at 434-924-9107.